Meant to Be

Meant to Be
a short story by plaidshirtjimkirk

Rating: T  Word Count: 1,496 Read on AO3 Read on WordPress

Summary: haywoood made an amazing Spirk playlist called Gee, I really love you that had me thinking about Jim and Spock as newlyweds, so I wrote this. The fluff is extreme and metaphors to modern day marriage are many. Blame Elvis and this instrumental version.


What We Can’t Say

What We Can’t Say
written by plaidshirtjimkirk

Rating: T Word Count: 2644 Read on AO3 Read on WordPress

Summary: It’s clear that Jim, Spock, and McCoy are a closely knit team aboard the Enterprise. No one ever thought that would change. However, as Spock lies sedated in sickbay after a near-death experience, McCoy begins to consider where his feelings for Spock really lie, and what that means for his friendship with Jim.